HAAS grooming set "Go4Gold Set".
Grooming brush and curry comb for winners! Brush body in gold look with horsehair for winner shine. Matching golden curry comb.
Material brush: horsehair
Brush body: plastic
Curry comb: plastic
Color brush body: gold
HAAS "Pummel Fairy Magic Mane" 8cm
This magic brush helps against dust better than any magic spell.
Material brush: synthetic
Material brush body: synthetic
colour: pink
Size: 180 x 53 mm
HAAS "Pummelfee Fellglanz" (Pudgy Fairy Coat Shine)
Conjure dust off your horse with this glittery brush. Simsalaflausch, glitter clean.
Brush material: horsehair
Material brush body: synthetic
Colour: pink
Size: 200 x 85 mm
HAAS "Pummel Fairy Wonder Root" 3cm
This miracle root brush untangles the mane as if by magic. Even dirt no longer stands a chance with this magical helper. Material of brush: synthetic Material of brush body: plastic Colour: pinkSize: 180 x 53 mm